Все тату джанлука вакки

Как выглядел в молодости «Танцующий миллионер» Джанлука Вакки

Сегодня трудно найти человека, который не знает, кто такой Джанлука Вакки. Мужчина прославился в сети, как танцующий миллионер. Он снимает короткие ролики, в которых танцует, и демонстрирует накаченное тело. Кстати, у него множество татуировок, которые отлично подходят к его стилю. Заводные танцы Джанлука устраивает в своих имениях или на яхте, давая завистникам почву для сплетен. Откуда у него все это богатство? Был ли он состоятельным всегда? И как вообще выглядел Джанлука Вакки до известности?

Безбедная юность будущей знаменитости

Да, сразу ответим на самый интересующий вопрос: Джанлука Вакки потомственный миллионер. Он родился в состоятельной семье. Вакки несколько сотен лет занимались искусством, в ХХ веке решили открыть семейный бизнес. К моменту появления Джанлука, семья уже вышла на мировой рынок. Их компании производили упаковочный материал для лекарств, и ежегодная прибыль исчислялась суммами с шестью нулями.

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Детство и юность будущий интернет-танцор провел в Болонье, где и родился. Как представитель золотой молодежи, Джанлука вполне мог позволить себе не учиться и не работать. Но в роду Вакки это не принято, да и сам Джанлука не привык сидеть, сложа руки. Он окончил экономический факультет, и уже в 25 лет стал у руля семейного бизнеса. Отец на удивление легко отдал бразды правления сыну.

Несмотря на достаточно молодой возраст, Джалука отлично справлялся с обязанностями. Под его руководством прибыль в компании только росла. Никто и подумать не мог, что директорское кресло тяготило Джанлуку, и его душа требовала совсем другого.

Стильный мачо

Молодому руководителю семейным бизнесом удавалось сочетать несовместимое: он руководил делом, и находил время заниматься в тренажерном зале. Джанлука не просто таскал железо, а добился отличной формы, и вполне мог стать профессиональным спортсменом.

В то же время он оставался стильным, несмотря на директорский строгий костюм. Он с юности обожает татуировки, но в то время они были не столь популярны, и старался всегда придать своему внешнему виду изюминку. Например, Джанлука обожал подкатывать одну штанину, и именно левую. На работу он так не ходил, но в свободное время примерял разные образы.

Как только Джанлука смог отойти от дел, он передал управление компанией двоюродному брату. Альберт человек скромный, живет в мире цифр, и не интересуется публичной жизнью. То, что нужно для удачного руководителя. А Джанлука переоделся, сделал массу татуировок, и отправился покорять интернет.

Что нового у миллионера-танцора?

Джанлука не перестает радовать поклонников, а их число продолжает расти. Например, в Инстаграме у Вакки больше 15 миллионов фолловеров, и это число продолжает расти. Людям интересно все: танцы, стиль, подружки Джанлука.

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Вакки даже в свои 53 года называют Казановой. Его подружки чаще всего моложе лет на 20, и все как на подбор, красавицы. В ЗАГС Джанлука никого не водил, говорит, что еще не встретил ту единственную.

Кстати, миллионер не только танцор, но и диджей. Его часто зовут на вечеринки, и у Вакки в арсенале уже есть пара авторских сетов. Говорят, его музыка заряжает энергией.

Gianluca Vacchi’s 29 Tattoos & Their Meanings

Gianluca Vacchi is an Italian entrepreneur, author, disc jockey, online personality, and businessman. He is famous for his dance videos on Instagram and has an estimated wealth of around 450$ million. In 2016, he released his book, “Enjoy”. Gianluca’s body is covered in many interesting tattoos. Some of the tattoos on his body have been designed by himself. Let us take a look at what they are and the meanings they hold.

1. ‘Lion’ Tattoo

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Tattoo: The right side of his chest contains a tattoo of the face of a lion looking sideways.

Meaning: Lion represents Leo which is the sun sign of Gianluca, who was born in August.

2. Logo and Poem Tattoos

Tattoo: The left part of his chest, over his heart, contains a tattoo of a poem that reads, “Comunque ti muovi mi riempl di ammi razione e di orgoglio. Mi domando Cosa ho fatto per meritare un Figlio come te. Con Tutto il bene del mondo
Mamma”. Above this tattoo is a tattoo of a logo made out of the letter G and V.

Meaning: The poem is a few lines from a letter that his mother sent him. The lines translate to, “Anything you do fills me with pride. Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve a son like you. All the love in the world. Mamma”. The logo GV is the logo of his own name and company, Gianluca Vacchi.

3. Left Hand Tattoos

Tattoo: The upper side of his left-hand consists of the numbers, 5, 8, 6, 7 tattooed just above his knuckles. The word, “RESILIENZA” is tattooed just below the numbers. His hand also contains a quote tattooed on it which reads, “prendi in mano ia tua vita”. The area where his thumb starts contains a tattoo of the sun. Each of his fingers contains a letter, starting from his pinkie and moving towards his thumb, the letters are E, N, J, O, Y. His left ring finger also contains a tattoo of his GV logo.

Meaning: The word is Italian for Resilience. The quote on his hand translates to, “Pick your life up” and the words together form the word, “ENJOY” which is how Gianluca chooses to live his life. He got the sun tattoo as it is the symbol of life and energy which definitely shows in Luca’s life.

4. Feather, Ring, and Quote Tattoos

Tattoo: The front side of his left leg contains a tattoo of a bell along with a large feather. To the right side of the feather is a tattoo of a ring with old engravings on it. Below this is a tattoo of a quote that reads, “YESTERDAY IS HISTORY, TOMORROW IS A MYSTERY. BUT TODAY IS A GIFT. THAT’S WHY THEY CALL IT PRESENT“. The area, just above his ankle contains a broad tattoo of a black band.

Meaning: The bell and the feather tattoo might just be something he liked. The quote is from the movie, Kung Fu Panda. He liked the quote so much that he decided to get it tattooed on himself.

5. Logo Tattoo

Tattoo: The upper side of his right hand contains a tattoo of his GV logo.

6. Portrait on Back

Tattoo: The back of the Italian millionaire contains a very large tattoo of a portrait of himself. There are long texts tattooed on his back along with a large portrait of himself, shushing the haters, wearing a ring of his logo GV. Below his portrait is another large tattoo of his logo GV.

7. King, Seashell, and Hashtag Tattoos

Tattoo: The right shoulder of the Italian contains a large tattoo of the silhouette of a man riding on a horse, holding a sword and wearing a mask. The whole tattoo is cut with the letter, Z tattooed across it. To the right of the horseman, is a tattoo of the word, “KING“. A little above his right arm, just where his elbow folds is a tattoo of a seashell laying down with its shadow right next to it. The side of his right thigh contains a tattoo of the word, “#GVllifestyle” There is also a tattoo of an Italian line, tattooed vertically along his right hip and thigh.

Meaning: The king along with the horseman is a tattoo of Zorro, which is a fictional character who left his mark of Z wherever he did justice. King is the nickname that he has given to himself. The “GVlifestyle” hashtag just shows how much he thinks of himself and has been called narcissistic more than once.

8. Suns and Mom Tattoos

Tattoo: The middle part of his chest contains a large tattoo of a sun. There are different words tattooed in the spaces between the rays emitting from the sun. There is another, smaller sun tattooed to the right of this sun. The left part of his chest contains a tattoo of the side face of a woman.

Meaning: The sun tattoos represent life and energy. The tattoo of the woman is actually the face of his beloved mother, which he drew himself and then got tattooed on his body.

9. Demon, Flowers, and Chinese Letters Tattoos

Tattoo: The left shoulder of the Italian contains a tattoo of an evil demon masked being impaled by a spear. To the left of this mask is a tattoo of four flowers. His shoulder also contains tattoos of two Chinese letters. Below the demon face tattoo is another tattoo of a quote tattooed on his arm in a swirled pattern. There is also a tattoo of a Cross just beside the last flower.

Meaning: The cross represents the religious views of the author.

10. Word, Boat, Lamp, and Band Tattoos

Tattoo: The side of his left forearm contains a tattoo of the word, “L’eremita“. There is a tattoo of a small sailboat tattooed just above his left elbow which is traveling on a path of words tattooed across his arm in a swirl design. There is also a tattoo of an old oil lamp on the upper side of his forearm. Below his elbow are tattoos of two red bands too.

Meaning: The word, L’eremita is the name that he has given to his home. He got the tattoo of the boat as he loves sailing as an adventure.

11. Anchor and Word Tattoos

Tattoo: The front side of his right leg, just above his ankle contains a tattoo of an anchor along with two axes on it in the shape of an X. The word, “Enjoy….” is tattooed just above his right ankle.

Meaning: An anchor tattoo is usually gotten by sailors and Gianluca is also one. He loves to sail on his yachts and this is another tattoo related to his sailing adventures. The first one being the boat.

12. Stars Tattoo

Tattoo: Both of his kneecaps contain tattoos of seven tipped stars. The one on his right knee, contains a rosemary bead chain which falls down to the front of his leg and has a sword as a necklace. There are also a few words and numbers tattooed alongside the sword.

Meaning: The seven tipped star is a religious tattoo which symbolises the seven days of creation.

13. Stomach Tattoos

Tattoo: The lower part of his chest and most of his stomach contains tattoos of different quotes tattooed on it. The left side of his belly contains a tattoo of the outline of the face of a man along with a few words tattooed near it. The right side of his body contains a small poem along with the words, “H2O” tattooed on it. The mid part of his stomach, just below his chest contains a tattoo of three circles with different designs tattooed inside them.

Meaning: The different quotes have different meanings but the H2O is the chemical formula for water which is another one of his tattoos which shows his love for the sea and sailing. The outline of the man is a drawing of his father which he made himself, then got tattooed on his body along with a few words tattooed in his father’s praise.

14. Word and Moon Tattoos

Tattoo: The belly of the Italian contains another tattoo of the word, “RESILIENZA”. The upper part of his right leg, just where his leg starts contains a tattoo of the moon done in white ink.

Meaning: The word is Italian for the word, Resilience. The moon tattoo represents growth and creativity.

15. Quote Tattoo

Tattoo: The left side of his body contains another quote, tattooed vertically, running down from his hip to his leg. His left thigh also contains a tattoo of a small poem on it.

16. Man and Poem Tattoos

Tattoo: The right elbow contains a tattoo of two mountains on either side with a stick figure on top of each mountain, holding a large stick. The inner side of his right forearm contains another poem tattooed on it. There are patterns outline simple lines tattooed just above the poem. There are also two red bands tattooed just below his right elbow, just like his left one.

17. Love and Bicep Tattoo

Tattoo: The right side of his chest, just below his lion tattoo, contains a tattoo of the word, “LOVE” tattooed on it. His left bicep also contains a few words tattooed on it.

Meaning: This is another one the quotes tattooed on his body which is yet to be discovered.

18. Lion Tattoo

Tattoo: The lower part of his belly, just above his groin contains a new tattoo of the face of a lion.

Meaning: The lion is the symbol of power and strength. It also signifies Leo, which is the sun sign of the Italian.

19. Rings and Lion Tattoo

Tattoo: The middle finger of his left hand contains another tattoo of the face of a lion. The lion is also wearing a crown. The left index finger contains a tattoo of four rings, joined and overlapping.

Meaning: The four rings is the logo of the automobile brand, Audi. The lion tattoo is another one of his Leo tattoos about his sun sign. The lion is wearing the crown to signify that he’s the king, which is also the nickname Gianluca gave himself.

20. Mapping Circle, Arrows and Logo Tattoos

Tattoo: The right part of his chest and right shoulder contain a tattoo of the globe, with mapping circles around it and numbers tattooed at different places. His right shoulder also contains a quote tattooed on it. His shoulders, on both sides of his neck, contain tattoos of two black arrows. The left side of his chest contains another logo tattooed on it.

Meaning: The logo is the logo of the famous app, Instagram.

21. Dolphin, Clouds, and Quote Tattoos

Tattoo: The left forearm of the Italian contains a tattoo of a Dolphin. His wrist and forearm contain traces of a quote tattooed on it. All of his lower part of his forearm has been completed with tattooed of clouds.

22. Snowflake and Poem Tattoos

Tattoo: The outer side of his right forearm contains a tattoo of a snowflake made out of lines. His left forearm is completely covered in a tattoo of a poem. His right forearm too, just like his left sleeve contains tattoos of clouds which complete it.

23. Circles Tattoo

Tattoo: The upper part of his left arm contains tattoos of two dark circles. There is a pattern in the circles which is very hard to make out.

24. Music Notes Tattoo

Tattoo: The right hand of the Italian is covered in parallel lines with music notes tattooed on them. His fingers and knuckles too contain tattoos of music notes on them.

Meaning: Gianluca has also released a few songs and has appeared in many music videos. This tattoo just shows his passion for a new trend which is music.

25. Feet Tattoos

Tattoo: The upper side of his right foot contains a few lines tattooed on it and his left foot contains a symbol tattooed on it.

Meaning: There are many mysterious quotes and lines tattooed all across Gianluca’s body.

26. Word Tattoo

Tattoo: The side of his left hand contains a tattoo of an Italian word tattooed on it.

27. Logo Tattoo

Tattoo: The latest among his tattoos is another tattoo of his own logo, GV Gianluca Vacchi tattooed right in the middle of his stomach. He also extended the rays of shine, emitting from the sun tattoo on his chest and got them darkened.

28. Urdu Tattoo

Tattoo: The upper part of his right forearm contains a tattoo of an Urdu word, tattooed on it vertically.

29. ‘Skeleton Hand’ Tattoo

Tattoo: The inner side of his right leg contains a tattoo of the fist of a skeleton hand with the middle finger lifted up to throw the curse sign. Below the skeleton hand is a quote tattooed. Above the skeleton hand, is a date tattooed which starts with 1/4 which might be of some importance to the Italian millionaire. The outer side of his right leg also contains another few lines tattooed on it.

Meaning: Gianluca has many words and poems tattooed all across his body and these are just a few more of them.

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