Все эскизы татуировок lil peep

  1. Tattoo BLOG
  2. Never regret about tattoos
  3. Тату Лил Пипа (Lil Peep)
  4. Тату Лил Пипа на лице и шее
  5. Самые крупные тату Лил Пипа
  6. Lil Peep Tattoos and Their Meaning
  7. 1. Rose tattoo
  8. 2. Tribal Design Tattoo
  9. 3. Tiny Cross Tattoo
  10. 4. Cresent Moon Tattoo
  11. 5. RIP tattoo
  12. 6. Rose Tattoo (2)
  13. 7.Cry Baby Tattoo
  14. 8. Crying Mickey Mouse Tattoo
  15. 9.Homesick Tattoo
  16. 10. Pink Panther Tattoo
  17. 11. Hell Boy tattoo
  18. 12. MOM and Lisa Simpson Tattoo
  19. 13. Love Tattoo
  20. 14. Broken heart Tattoo
  21. Lil Peep’s 59 Tattoos & Their Meanings
  22. 1. ‘GET CAKE DIE YOUNG’ Tattoo
  23. 2. ‘PEEP’ Tattoo
  24. 3. ’11-1′ Tattoo
  25. 4. ‘Halloween Pumpkin’ Tattoo
  26. 5. ‘Halloween Bats’ Tattoo
  27. 6. ‘Centipede’ Tattoo
  28. 7. ‘FLY SHIT ONLY in Nike’s Symbol’ Tattoo
  29. 8. Initials ‘LKW’ and Date ’10-27′ Tattoo
  30. 9. ‘LOVE’ Tattoo
  31. 10. ‘Meep’ Tattoo
  32. 11. ‘Simpson’s LISA’ And ‘MOM’ Tattoo
  33. 12. ‘HELLBOY’ Tattoo
  34. 13. ‘Pink Panther’ Tattoo
  35. 14. ‘HOMESICK’ Tattoo
  36. 15. ‘Anarchy Logo’ Tattoo
  37. 16. ‘Crying Mickey Mouse’ Tattoo
  38. 17. ‘Broken Heart’ Tattoo
  39. 18. ‘Horseshoe’ Tattoo
  40. 19. ‘Cry Baby’ Tattoo
  41. 20. ‘Rose’ Tattoo
  42. 21. ‘Sharp End Weapon with REVENGE’ Tattoo
  43. 2 2. ‘DADDY’ Tattoo
  44. 23. ‘Marijuana Leaf/Cannabis Leaf’ Tattoo
  45. 24. ‘Wine Glass’ Tattoo
  46. 25. ‘Star’ Tattoo
  47. 26. ‘Insects’ Tattoo
  48. 27. ‘PlayBoy Sign’ Tattoo
  49. 28. ‘Coffin’ Tattoo
  50. 29. ‘Letter A’ tattoo near his right wrist
  51. 30. ‘Clique’ Tattoo
  52. 31. ‘Cross of Saint Peter’ Tattoo
  53. 32. ‘Celtic Cross’ Tattoo
  54. 33. ‘Hand Holding an Uzi’ Tattoo
  55. 34. ‘FOREVER’ Tattoo
  56. 35. ‘Star’ Tattoo
  57. 36. ‘RIP’ Tattoo
  58. 37. ‘Wave’ Tattoo
  59. 38. ‘Ghost’ Tattoo
  60. 39. ‘Scorpion’ Tattoo
  61. 40. ‘EXIT LIFE’ Tattoo
  62. 41. ‘Crescent Moon’ Tattoo
  63. 42. ‘WAVY BABY’ Tattoo
  64. 43. ‘Tiny Cross’ Tattoo
  65. 44. ‘Racing Flags on Fire’ Tattoo
  66. 45. ‘Drawing by Ed Hardy’ Tattoo
  67. 46. ‘Roman Numerals MCM and XCVI’ Tattoo
  68. 47. ‘Playing Card Suits’ Tattoo
  69. 48. ‘Cobweb Design’ Tattoo
  70. 49. ‘MiSS You’ Tattoo
  71. 50. ‘Tribal Design’ Tattoo
  72. 51. ‘Flying Bird with Currency Note’ Tattoo
  73. 52. ‘Spider and Spiderweb’ Tattoo
  74. 53. ‘Playing Cards’ Tattoo
  75. 54. ‘Ghost Design’ Tattoo
  76. 55. ‘SONY’ Tattoo
  77. 56. ‘Flower’ Tattoo
  78. 57. ‘Rose’ Tattoo
  79. 58. ‘Diamond’ Tattoo
  80. 59. ‘BFF Rice’ Tattoo
Читайте также:  Все тату насти ивлевой

Tattoo BLOG

Never regret about tattoos

Тату Лил Пипа (Lil Peep)

Может уже и поздновато говорить о тату Лил Пипа (Lil Peep), но я считаю раз его творчество живо, то в какой то степени жив и он сам. Поэтому посмотрим чем при жизни Лил Пип украшал свое тело, начнем с головы.

Тату Лил Пипа на лице и шее

Многие из его тату связаны с тяжелыми периодами в жизни, к примеру надпись Cry Baby он набил во время тяжелой депрессии, которая произошла изза развода родителей. Также издание Noizey из интервью с Lil Peep пишет

“Плакса. Это для американцев (“Crybaby” — культовый американский фильм 1990 года, прим переводчика).”

Разбитое сердце в память о расставании с девушкой в 2015 году.

А вот надпись “Get Cake Die Young” Было сделано в пьяном угаре и Лил Пип даже не помнит как ее сделал. Уснул на вписке, проснулся разрисованным на всю жизнь, как вам такое?))

Идем дальше, на горле изображена Лиза Симпсон, которая кричит “Мамааа” так же в своем роде и у Лил Пипа, когда что то происходит, он тоже первым делом звоните маме. Рядом с Лизой Розовая пантера. Густав объяснял эту тату просто —

“Я люблю этот мульт, люблю его задумку, его суть.”

Помимо фото в инстаграм есть еще видео на YouTube, Где Густав (или Lil Peep) рассказывает о своих тату, так что можно и посмотреть.

Самые крупные тату Лил Пипа

Первая тату, стоило, наверное, сразу начать с нее. Большая тату на руке с мамиными инициалами и датой рождения, сделанная Лил Пипом в 14 лет.

Густав родился в ночь хэллоуина, поэтому у него много символических тату, самые крупные, это его дата рождения 11.1 и тыква на руке.

Лил Пип ненавидит сороконожек, и почему то решил набить ее на руке, возможно, он боролся со страхами при помощи визуализации.

Также очень некачественное тату микки мауса с надписью “mood” — Лил Пип комментировал так —

“ мне нравится, что она плохого качества, мое настроение всегда такое же”.

Вот такое описание татуировок Лил Пипа можно узнать, поизучав его биографию! Пиши в комментах, о чьих тату написать в следующий раз!

Lil Peep Tattoos and Their Meaning

The late singer and songwriter, Gustav Elijah Ahr or famously known as Lil Peep. Was one of the infamous American rapper and gem that was the one behind the revival of Post Emo Rap. It was at the age of 21, a few weeks after his birthday that he unfortunately passed away due to an accidental drug overdose.

Although the rapper was already quite well known, his death made him a millionaire overnight after videos, his last posts going viral and fans stocking up and emptying his merch online from his store.

Lil Peep was quite famous for his unique looks and distinctively placed tattoos.Have you ever wondered about his tattoos and their meaning behind them? Well lets take a look to breakdown and decode what all of his tats really mean.

1. Rose tattoo

The rose tattoos is placed on Lil Peeps front hand. Taking up a large span on his body, this rose tattoo is a black ink tattoo. What it means and symbolizes is, new beginnings. All of Peeps hopes and desires, emotions and true love. It represents a mature kind of love and protection against an envious lover.

2. Tribal Design Tattoo

This tat is places on his right arm outside. It too takes up a large space on his upper arm, and the reason why it does so is to cover up his previous exes name! On November 5h 2017, Lil Peep got the name of his, then girlfriend and now ex, Layla. After they broke up, Peep covered this tattoo with the ‘Tribal Design’ tattoo.

It was on the same day that he got this tattoo, that he posted a picture of it on Instagram with the following caption:

“ Lil Peep brought tribal back and covered up his ex-girlfriends name cuz why the fu** did i do that lol.”

3. Tiny Cross Tattoo

Out of several of Lil Peeps face tattoos is his cross tattoo. Placed near his left eye, is this cross tattoo that generally represents the faith of Christianity; from where he belongs. That symbolizes his believes and the event of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

4. Cresent Moon Tattoo

Another one of his face tattoos include a crescent/ moon tattoo placed on the right side of his face. While this tattoo would be usually hidden under his facial hair, it shows best without it. The crescent tattoo drawing for Lil Peep is a symbol of creativity. It represents growth, attainments and new phases of his life.

5. RIP tattoo

As much as it sends chills down your spine, this tattoo, the Rest In Peace is places on the right side of Lil Peeps neck. This neck tattoo is a black and white tat that sits on top of a cloud with the word, RIP written in cursive.

However, there isnt much information available on what the tat actually means. But fans speculate that it means that death is inevitable and symbolizes mortality.

6. Rose Tattoo (2)

Roses hold a special place in Lil Peeps heart. This flower is present multiple places on his body. One of which is on his right cheek. The meaning behind it is, that earlier peep had the the ‘Playboy Logo’ tattooed on his left side of the cheek. Which he then got it covered with the rose tattoo.

Although the reason to why he got his playboy logo tattoo covered is unknown to people, it generally shows he did not want it any longer and hence covered it up. Generally, the rose tattoo is a representation of new love, promises, feeling and hope. It also symbolizes new beginnings, and protection against people who were and would be jealous of his lover and himself.

7.Cry Baby Tattoo

Another addition to his face tattoos is the ‘Cry baby’ Tattoo. The idea for this tattoo comes from his childhood. Lil Peep saying ‘Cry baby’, as he said that he used to always be in a cranky mood and used to complain a lot during his childhood.

Not only this, but the tattoo and this childhood memory is also what inspired him to name it as its third mixtape by Lil Peep, released on June 2016.

8. Crying Mickey Mouse Tattoo

This tattoo is an outline of a crying mickey mouse on his lower right arm. Underneath which the word ‘MOOD’ is written. Lil Peep describes this as his favorite tattoos of all time. The outline of this mickey mouse tattoo ink in black, by him is said to be:

“ It describes my low quality mood as the low quality tattoo, but it is my favorite”

9.Homesick Tattoo

The word, HOMESICK is written across his forefingers on both of his arms. The rapper says that as a young artist he would have to travel alot to meet fans and do shows, which would often make him homesick.

And this gave him inspiration to tattoo it on his fingers. He said:

“I am young and I miss my mommy certain times”

10. Pink Panther Tattoo

Pink panther was an animated television show of a literal pink pan ther. This tattoo is placed on the left side of his neck. Lil Peep got this tattoo of the animated cartoon inked, while he was on a trip to Venice with this friend group.

He would then continue to get so bored that he went to a random tattoo parlous that had pink interiors inside. And hence decided to get a pink panther tattooed on his neck!

11. Hell Boy tattoo

The word ‘Hell boy’ is tattooed underneath Peeps face, on his neck. This tattoo was inked after the release of his ‘Hell boy’ mix tape in 2016. This was his first mix tape and release which helped him jump to stardom and become popular in Emo rap music industry.

Moreover, he was also a big fan of the character, ‘Hell Boy’ in his favorite comic ‘Hell’.

12. MOM and Lisa Simpson Tattoo

The character from the infamous television series, The Simpsons, is tatted underneath Lil Peeps face and on his neck, just under his adams apple. The character Lisa Simpson, is shown to be screaming in his tattoo. And the word MOM in inked right above the character. Lil Peep mentioned that it symbolizes his relationship with his mother, he said:

“ This is screaming mom, whenever somethings going wrong in my life, i call my mum, i stress her the fu** out.”

13. Love Tattoo

The word ‘Love’ is tatted on the late rappers abdomen. This body tattoo is inked right below his birth date tattoo (11

1). Although there is no given information about the deeper meaning behind the tattoo, it does take up a large span on his body and was quite meaningful to him. There is also a sad face emojis in the letter ‘O’ of the tattoo.

14. Broken heart Tattoo

A small heart inked in black and broken in the middle is tattooed on Lil Peeps face. This tattoo is placed near his left eye and cheekbone. It hold quite the meaning behind itself, as it was Lil Peeps first ever face tattoo which he got done when finding his motivation to make more music.

The artist Lil Peep (RIP) had a full face and body of his infamous and uniquely designed tattoos. They made him who he was and were a part of him, which makes it impossible to imagine him with no face tattoos or body tattoos.

With all these tattoos and many more, you can recreate their designs on yourself to communicate your love for the rapper and even get your favorite song lyrics tatted on yourself!

Or if you’re looking for some other ways you can express your love for Lil Peeps music and his life, you and buy temporary tattoos, of his merch on our website. Where you can find, shirts, jackets, hats and so much more! So you can rock in style and celebrate the life of your favorite emo rapper and artist!

Lil Peep’s 59 Tattoos & Their Meanings

Late American rapper, Gustav Elijah Ahr aka Lil Peep, was one of the talented young artists, who was also responsible for bringing Post Emo Revival rap to the world. He died at a young age of 21 years. He kind of ‘felt’ that he was about to die, as, just a few hours before his death he posted on his Twitter account, “when I die, you’ll miss me.” He became a millionaire overnight after his death when his fans emptied his online merch store. He was famous for his weird looks and tattoos. He had got a bunch of tattoos on his body, each of which had a special meaning to him. Let’s take a tour of his inscriptions.


Tattoo: ‘GET CAKE DIE YOUNG’ below his hairline.

Meaning: Peep got the phrase, ‘GET CAKE DIE YOUNG’ inked on his forehead, just below his hairline. In a video shoot for GQ, he said that one morning he woke up and found this tattoo on his forehead. He said that he had no idea when he got these tattoos.

2. ‘PEEP’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘PEEP’ Tattoo on his left arm.

Meaning: Lil Peep got his name inked on his left upper arm. His mother used to call him Peep during his childhood, that is where his name came from.

3. ’11-1′ Tattoo

Tattoo: ’11-1′ on his abdomen.

Meaning: Peep got his birthdate ’11-1′ inked on his abdomen. He was born on November 1, 1996, on Halloween night.

4. ‘Halloween Pumpkin’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Halloween Pumpkin’ on his left forearm.

Meaning: Peep got a tattoo of Halloween pumpkin inked on his left forearm as he was born on Halloween night on November 1, 1996.

5. ‘Halloween Bats’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Halloween Bats’ Tattoo behind his left ear.

Meaning: Peep got two Halloween bats inked behind his left ear. In a video for GQ, he said,

I was born on Halloween night, November 1, so, I got these bats over here and this pumpkin.”

6. ‘Centipede’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Centipede’ Tattoo on his left forearm.

Meaning: Peep got a tattoo of a ‘centipede’ inked on his left forearm. He used to hate these creepy-crawlies, and they used to bother him all the time. So, he got one on the inner side of his left forearm. He said,

I hates these centipedes and they seem to find me and bothers me every time. So, I figured to get one tattoo on me.”

7. ‘FLY SHIT ONLY in Nike’s Symbol’ Tattoo

8. Initials ‘LKW’ and Date ’10-27′ Tattoo

Tattoo: Initials ‘LKW’ and Date ’10-27′ on his right forearm.

Meaning: Peep got the initials of his mother, Liza Womack. It was his first tattoo which he got when he was 14 years of age. He got it inked on his mother’s birthday, October 27, as a birthday present to her. There are some flying birds inked between the initials and birthdate. He said,

I did not always know I was gonna get tattoos. The first one I got was this big one right here. It’s my mum’s birthday, her initials, so that she wouldn’t get mad at me because it was my first tattoo when I was 14’.”

9. ‘LOVE’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘LOVE’ Tattoo on his abdomen.

Meaning: Peep got the word ‘LOVE’ inked below the tattoo of his birthdate. There is a sad emoji in the letter ‘O’ of the word Love.

10. ‘Meep’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Outline of a dog-Meep’ Tattoo on his left leg.

Meaning: Peep got the tattoo of his pet dog ‘Meep’ inked on his left lower leg. He said that he and his ex-girlfriend had bought this pet dog who was his son to him.

11. ‘Simpson’s LISA’ And ‘MOM’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Simpson’s LISA’ and ‘MOM’ Tattoo on his neck.

Meaning: Peep got the character from Simpsons, Lisa, inked on his neck. Lisa is shown screaming. The word Mom is inked above it. Peep said that it depicts his relationship with his mother. He said,

This is a screaming mom, Whenever something’s going wrong in my life I call my mum, I stress her the fu** out.”

12. ‘HELLBOY’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘HELLBOY’ Tattoo on his neck.

Meaning: Peep got this tattoo inked after the release of his first mixtape, Hellboy, in 2016. It was his first release which helped him to gain stardom. Also, he was a great fan of the comic ‘Hell’ and its character, ‘Hellboy’.

13. ‘Pink Panther’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Pink Panther’ Tattoo on the left side of his neck.

Meaning: Peep got the tattoo of the ‘pink panther’ inked on the left side of his neck. He was on a trip to Venice with his friends, where he got so bored that he went to a random tattoo shop that had pink interiors. So, he decided to get a pink panther tattoo on his neck.

14. ‘HOMESICK’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘HOMESICK’ Tattoo on his fingers.

Meaning: Peep was a young artist and used to travel a lot because of his music shows. So, he got ‘HOMESICK’ inked on his fingers. He said,

I am young, and I miss my mommy certain times.”

15. ‘Anarchy Logo’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Anarchy Logo’ Tattoo on the left side of his face.

Meaning: Peep got the tattoo of ‘Anarchy Logo’ inked on his left cheek. He said that he wanted to look different because many people have followed him and have got similar tattoos.

16. ‘Crying Mickey Mouse’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Outline of a Crying Mickey Mouse with word MOOD’ underneath it on his right arm.

Meaning: This is the favorite tattoo of Peep. An outline of a sad mickey mouse with the word ‘mood’ underneath it is inked on his right upper arm. He said,

It describes my low-quality mood as the low-quality tattoo, but is my favorite.”

17. ‘Broken Heart’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Broken Heart’ Tattoo near his left eye.

Meaning: This was Peep’s first face tattoo which he got inked to get the motivation to make music.

18. ‘Horseshoe’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Horseshoe’ between his eyebrows.

Meaning: Peep got a horseshoe tattooed between his eyebrows. He believed that it was his lucky charm.

Lil Peep getting his ‘horseshoe’ tattoo inked between his eyebrows

19. ‘Cry Baby’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Cry Baby’ Tattoo above his right eyebrow.

Meaning: Peep got the tattoo above his right eyebrow, saying, Cry Baby’ as he said that he used to complain a lot during his childhood. CryBaby is also the third mixtape by Lil Peep, released on June 10, 2016.

20. ‘Rose’ Tattoo

‘Rose’ Tattoo on his right cheek.

Tattoo: ‘Rose’ Tattoo on his right cheek.

Meaning: Earlier, Peep had the tattoo of ‘playboy logo’ on the left side of his cheek which he later got it covered with the ‘rose’ tattoo. The reason as to why he got his playboy logo tattoo-covered is still not known. Generally, a rose tattoo is a symbol of new beginnings, hope, new love, emotions, promises, and feelings. It also symbolizes the protection against the envious lovers.

Lil Peep covered his old ‘playboy logo’ tattoo with ‘rose’ tattoo

21. ‘Sharp End Weapon with REVENGE’ Tattoo

‘Sharp End Weapon with REVENGE’ Tattoo on his right arm

2 2. ‘DADDY’ Tattoo

‘DADDY’ Tattoo on his chest

23. ‘Marijuana Leaf/Cannabis Leaf’ Tattoo

24. ‘Wine Glass’ Tattoo

25. ‘Star’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Star’ Tattoo below his right eye.

Meaning: The star tattoos are used to represent the fight against the darkness. It also defines the divine relationship with God.

26. ‘Insects’ Tattoo

‘Insects’ Tattoo on his left arm

27. ‘PlayBoy Sign’ Tattoo

28. ‘Coffin’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Coffin’ Tattoo near his left wrist.

Meaning: Coffin tattoo is used to represent mortality. It also specifies that death is inevitable.

29. ‘Letter A’ tattoo near his right wrist

30. ‘Clique’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Clique’ Tattoo on the right side of his chest.

Meaning: Clique refers to the group of people who usually not allow others to join them and like to enjoy themselves only.

Lil Peep getting his ‘Clique’ tattoo inked on the right side of his chest

31. ‘Cross of Saint Peter’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Cross of Saint Peter’ Tattoo on his left shoulder.

Meaning: ‘Cross of Saint Peter’ is an ‘upside-down cross’ which is known as an anti-Christian symbol. When Peter was sentenced to death, he requested his cross to be upside down as he felt unworthy of being crucified in the same manner as Jesus.

32. ‘Celtic Cross’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Celtic Cross’ on his right shoulder.

Meaning: Celtic Cross tattoos are related to God, religion, and faith.

33. ‘Hand Holding an Uzi’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Hand Holding an Uzi’ Tattoo on his left arm.

Meaning: Peep had the tattoo of the ‘hand holding an uzi’ inked on his left arm. Along with this, a banner is also inked with the words ‘FUCK THE OPPS’ on it.

34. ‘FOREVER’ Tattoo

‘FOREVER’ Tattoo on his right thumb

35. ‘Star’ Tattoo

‘Star’ Tattoo behind his left ear

36. ‘RIP’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘RIP’ Tattoo on the right side of his neck.

Meaning: Peep had got the tattoo ‘RIP’ with cloud shading on the right side of his neck. No information about whom he had got this tattoo is available.

37. ‘Wave’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Wave’ Tattoo on the right side of his jawline.

Meaning: Wave tattoo is a symbol of dreams, emotions, nature, and fantasies. It also denotes the ups and downs of the life of the person.

38. ‘Ghost’ Tattoo

‘Ghost’ tattoo on his left arm

39. ‘Scorpion’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Scorpion’ Tattoo on the nape of his neck.

Meaning: Lil peep had got the tattoo of a scorpion inked on the nape of his neck, as his zodiac sign was Scorpio (born on November 1, 1996).

40. ‘EXIT LIFE’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘EXIT LIFE’ Tattoo on his back.

Meaning: Generally, the word ‘Exit Life’ means to die. Maybe because Peep was suffering from mental health issues like depression and bipolar disorder, he got this tattoo inked on his back.

41. ‘Crescent Moon’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Crescent Moon’ Tattoo on the right side of his face.

Meaning: The crescent moon tattoo is a symbol of creativity, growth, attainments, and new phases of life.

42. ‘WAVY BABY’ Tattoo

‘WAVY BABY’ Tattoo on the inner portion of his fingers

43. ‘Tiny Cross’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Tiny Cross’ Tattoo near his left eye.

Meaning: Generally, a cross tattoo represents the faith in Christianity. It also symbolizes the event of the crucifixion of Jesus.

44. ‘Racing Flags on Fire’ Tattoo

‘Racing Flags on Fire’ Tattoo on the left side of his temporal region

45. ‘Drawing by Ed Hardy’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Drawing by Ed Hardy’ Tattoo on his right temporal region.

Meaning: This art was done by Ed Hardy for an exhibition at Dean Dennis’ tattoo shop. Peep got this tattoo inked in June 2017. On June 8, 2017, Peep uploaded the picture of this tattoo on his Instagram account with the caption,

46. ‘Roman Numerals MCM and XCVI’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Roman Numerals MCM and XCVI’ Tattoo on his knuckles.

Meaning: Peep got Roman numerals MCM and XCVI inked on the knuckles of hands. MCM translates into 1900 and XCVI translates into 96, which combines to form 1996, which is his birth year (born on November 1, 1996).

47. ‘Playing Card Suits’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Playing Card Suits’ Tattoo on his left hand.

Meaning: The suit of playing cards is a symbol of good luck and fortune. It also represents fate and even death.

Pro Tip : Test designs with temporary tattoos first, check the collection here➡️ https://bit.ly/2kzKlvH

48. ‘Cobweb Design’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Cobweb Design’ Tattoo on his left forearm.

Meaning: Cobweb tattoos have both positive and negative aspects. It represents good luck for the upcoming year. It also represents the feeling of being trapped in some situation.

49. ‘MiSS You’ Tattoo

‘MiSS You’ Tattoo on his thighs

50. ‘Tribal Design’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Tribal Design’ Tattoo on his right arm.

Meaning: On November 5, 2017, Lil Peep got his old ‘Layla’ tattoo (his ex-girlfriend) covered-up with the ‘Tribal Design’ tattoo. On the same day, Peep uploaded the picture of this tattoo on his Instagram account with the caption,

Lil peep brought tribal back and covered up his ex-girlfriends name cuz why the fuck did I do that lol.”

Lil Peep’s old ‘Layla’ tattoo is now covered up with ‘Tribal Design’ tattoo

Lil Peep with his ex-girlfriend Layla Toopoor

51. ‘Flying Bird with Currency Note’ Tattoo

‘flying bird holding the currency note in its mouth’ tattoo on the left side of his neck

52. ‘Spider and Spiderweb’ Tattoo

‘Spider and Spiderweb’ Tattoo on his right forearm

53. ‘Playing Cards’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Playing Cards’ Tattoo on his left arm.

Meaning: Again, playing cards tattoos have both negative and positive aspects. It represents good times and food fortune. It also represents fate and sometimes death also.

54. ‘Ghost Design’ Tattoo

‘Ghost Design’ Tattoo on his left hand

55. ‘SONY’ Tattoo

‘SONY’ Tattoo on his right leg

56. ‘Flower’ Tattoo

‘Flower’ tattoo on his left arm

57. ‘Rose’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Rose’ Tattoo on his right hand.

Meaning: Again, the rose tattoo symbolizes new beginnings, hopes, desires, emotions, and true love. It also symbolizes a mature love and protection against an envious lover.

58. ‘Diamond’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘Diamond’ Tattoo on his left hand.

Meaning: Diamond tattoo is a symbol of wealth, power, and luxury.

59. ‘BFF Rice’ Tattoo

Tattoo: ‘BFF Rice’ Tattoo on his right arm.

Meaning: Just before his death, Lil Peep along with his best friend Jody got this matching tattoo of ‘BFF Rice’ on their respective right arms on November 12, 2017. This was the last tattoo which Peep got inked before his death on November 15, 2017.

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