Carpe diem красивым шрифтом для тату

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  • Список гарнитур с названиями и примерами написания;
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  • Возможность переноса строки;
  • Сохранение в виде картинки PNG;
  • Возможность скачать шрифты для татуировок;
  • Подбор тату фраз на английском, французском , итальянском и на латыни!
Читайте также:  Тату для женщин веточки

Как видите плагин для подбора надписей и фраз получился функциональным и удобным. Мы сами пользуемся этим сервисом и рады поделиться с вами удобной программой! Которая поможет мастеру или его клиенту быстро и удобно найти подходящий вариант для новой надписи, сохранить его и начать использовать!

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Какими бывают тату Carpe diem и куда их наносить?

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В рейтинге среди самых востребованных тату находятся надписи. В основном в качестве эскизов используют пословицы и крылатые выражения на различных языках. Самыми распространенными считаются фразы на английском, французском, арабском, китайском, латыни и других.

Существует ряд устойчивых фраз, которые пользуются широким спросом в качестве эскизов для нательных рисунков. Одной из таких является надпись на латыни Carpe diem. Причем она красиво смотрится как в чистом виде, так и в сочетании с дополнительными рисунками. Как и любая татуировка, фраза Carpe diem имеет свою историю.

Предлагаем подробнее ознакомиться с происхождением этого выражения, а также вариантами эскизов татуировок с использованием фразы Carpe diem.


В переводе с латыни выражение Carpe diem означает «лови день» и трактуется как «лови момент», «живи одним днем». Впервые было упомянуто в оде «К Левконое» Горация в качестве призыва ценить каждый прожитый момент в жизни, не зацикливаясь на будущем.

Современное значение тату с надписью Carpe diem истолковывается примерно так же, как и в своем первоначальном виде и означает:

искать положительное в каждом прожитом мгновении;

не зацикливаться на будущем, жить настоящим;

наслаждаться счастливыми днями.

Некоторые считают, что выражение Carpe diem близко по значению к другой фразе на латинском языке – Memento mori, что в корне неправильно. Так как первое призывает жить моментом, не думая о будущем, а вторая, наоборот, помнить, что жизнь быстротечна, и конец неизбежен.

138 Carpe Diem Tattoos

Carpe Diem is popular Greek Aphorism which in English means, “Seize the Day”. Some people live by their rules, principles, and aphorisms. Carpe Diem Tattoos are common and is also widely used in texts, posters, ads, quotes and etc.

Carpe Diem is like saying that you need to live up your day to the fullest with no regrets because you could never bring back the time that has been wasted. Beautiful words such as Carpe Diem is more than worthy to be tattooed on your skin! I’m sure you won’t regret it as long as you have it done nicely.

This article will give you 138 nice ideas for the scripts, design and placements for your “Carpe Diem” tattoo:

1. Here’s one nice Carpe Diem script

Originally posted by Cassandra Barker

With this design, it doesn’t matter how big or small you want it, it will still look beautiful.

2. Carpe Diem tattoo on collar bone with birds

Originally posted by Natasha Rajeev

The size and placement of this tattoo is perfect. It would look great especially when you wear a tank top or tube tops.

3. Life line carpe diem tattoo

Originally posted by morgan elliott

This is a great idea. In this life, you really have to take advantage of the day that is given to you.

4. Look sexy on your heels with a tattoo

Originally posted by Brittany Cozzens

Aside from your beautiful shoes, people will also get attracted to your fashionable tattoo!

5. Below the nape

Originally posted by Sarah Oliver

Nape tattoos are popular. Below the nape is also a great idea especially for Carpe Diem Tattoos

6. Wrist

Originally posted by Paula Dutchess

Why not have your own handwriting for the Carpe Diem Tattoo? Or the handwriting of someone really special to you.

7. Heel Tattoo

Originally posted by Mirriah Sanders

Sometimes it doesn’t matter how small or where we put our tattoo even if no one will notice. Some people get tattoos for their own pleasure and not to please others.

8. Carpe Diem Calligraphy

Originally posted by Kaitlin Ketchum

A beautiful calligraphy will certainly improve your tattoo’s appearance.

9. Finger Carpe Diem Tattoo

Originally posted by LoveUnstoppable

For those who love small tattoos. This small carpe diem is cute enough.

10. Arm tattoo

Originally posted by Cindy Pham

I’ve had the same problem before when I tried having a tattoo on this spot. It won’t always look straight.

11. Wrist Carpe Diem Tattoo

Originally posted by vera aprianti

For wrist tattoos, especially with quotes and cliches or a simple words, having it tattooed horizontally is always better than the vertical ones.

12. Carpe Diem Tattoos

Originally posted by Nathalie Nowlan

13. Abstract Tattoos

Originally posted by Aline Rocha

This is a tattoo of Carpe Diem, piano keys and a few music notes.

14. Under the bra line

Originally posted by Jordin Reed

A lot of ladies these days have tattoos under the bra line or the rib. It looks sexy and cool.

15. Nice script

Originally posted by Nathan Campbell

Carpe diem is a very simple words yet meaningful. If you want to have it nicely tattooed, pick a nice font. Usually longhand writing are better.

16. Bikini tattoo

Originally posted by Mackenzie Lucas

Here’s another example of a sexy tattoo, but hope the ladies or the gentlemen won’t overuse or misinterpret it. Carpe diem doesn’t mean do everything crazy because you are young, make sure that every action you do, it would have a good impact on you and to other who know you.

17. Carpe Diem under the wrist tattoo

Originally posted by Paige Crawford

I have the feeling she was afraid to have it tattooed on the wrist because of her veins. I have the same fear too. So she had it tattooed below.

18. Large Carpe Diem tatttoo

Originally posted by Michelle Young

Don’t like it small? Get it large and colored!

19. Carpe diem tattoo with feather

Originally posted by Shelbi Howard

This is a great idea especially for the ladies who want it simple yet not too simple.

20. Below the ankle tattoo

Originally posted by Anneroos Tijms

21. Carpe diem tattoo with birds

Originally posted by Kajal Risbud

Birds are nice, but flowers are also a brilliant idea that will go along with your carpe diem.

22. Nautical Carpe Diem tattoo

Originally posted by Ludovic Piquet

The banner is an awesome idea for this carpe diem tattoo on the ship’s wheel.

23. Abstract Carpe Diem tattoo

Originally posted by Alice M

If you want your carpe diem tattoos to be unique, having an abstract design is not a bad idea.

24. Sunflower, navigator with carpe diem

Originally posted by Meme Loftin

These tattoos are quite symbolic. The sunflower tattoo has a lovely meaning. And we have more examples in

25. Sexy tattoo

Originally posted by Shani Patrick

26. A pretty carpe diem tattoo

I like this idea too!

27. Sparrow with carpe diem

Originally posted by Sara Pedro

Banners are useful for quote tattoos, especially incorporated with other tattoos. They make the words stand out.

28. Vintage camera with “Carpe Diem”

Originally posted by Rui Fernandes

For the photography lovers and those who wants to keep wonderful memories through photos, this is a perfect tattoo! Capture every moments and savor it, because you only leave once!

29. Colored tattoo

Originally posted by Kajal Risbud

30. Back piece Carpe Diem tattoo

Originally posted by Elisabeth Anne

For a sexy tattoo, you need a sexy font, don’t you think?

31. Carpe Diem tattoo for men

Originally posted by Michael Viglia

For more masculine tattoo, go for masculine fonts.

32. Carpe Diem and scissors

Originally posted by Sharaine Talip

You’d be surprised how many people have an obsession with scissors.

33. Carpe Diem stomach tattoo

Originally posted by

I love this heart and carpe diem tattoo on the stomach. And if you want to check out other stomach tattoos, find them at 30 Original Stomach Tattoos.

34. Large Carpe Diem tattoo

Originally posted by Sydney Wight

35. Carpe Diem and violin

Originally posted by Leslie Olivares

It’s always nice to add a little something to your carpe diem tattoos.

36. Simple carpe diem tattoo

Originally posted by Hailey O’Briant

Always check twice if you are really happy with the placement of your tattoo or ask others’ opinion.

37. Carpe diem arm tattoo

Originally posted by Taylor

Don’t be afraid to try other ink colors if you have fair skin. I bet this one would look great on red.

38. Flower, music note and carpe diem tattoo

Originally posted by Bibi H.

I hope we have given you great ideas for your carpe diem tattoo. You can keep it simple, or you can add a few nice things that you like, such as flowers, birds, music notes, and etc. Don’t be afraid to try other colors especially you have fair skin, red ink or blue ink will look great as well than the common blank ink. If you are going to add Carpe diem with other tattoos, make it stand out by adding a banner or make your tattoo bolder.

There are thousand of fonts available online to choose from. Carpe diem tattoos usually look great in longhand scripts.

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